Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Book Baggies Come Home Tomorrow!

Read on for some tips on how to support your growing reader around comprehension!

Comprehension is an incredibly important reading skill, and there are many ways to support this work at home with your growing reader! Here are some guiding questions to ask as your child is reading. If your child is reading level A-F, it is more appropriate to ask your child forms of these questions at the end of the book. For children reading G and up, it is important to stop and talk throughout reading the book. Only focus on 2-3 questions in one reading session.

Literal questions:
What happened in the beginning?  The middle?  The end?
Tell me what has really stuck in your mind so far (what seems important).
Explain why that part seems important.
Where does the story take place? What kind of place is it?
Tell me what you know about the character so far?

Inferential questions:
At this point in the story (or an important part the reader mentioned), what do you imagine the character might be feeling and why?
Tell me about any themes or issues you are noticing.
Are there any lessons so far that you think the character is learning or could have?
How would you describe this genre and what do you know about it?

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