Monday, August 4, 2014

Important Information

Contact Information
Please feel free to contact us at any time. The best way to get a hold of us is via email. Our email address is During the school year, you can also call the school and leave a message with the secretary. Please note that we generally check emails and phone messages between the hours of 8:00am and 7:00pm. Messages sent after 7:00pm may not be received until the following morning. There may be times during the year when we need to meet outside of the conference schedule. We will make every effort to meet with you before or immediately after school if a confirmed appointment has been made. While quick conversations at drop off or dismissal can seem convenient, it may not give you the individual attention and thoughtfulness that a conversation about your child requires and deserves.

Good Links to Bookmark
EVCS website (an often-updated website about EVCS and the PA)
Scholastic Book Wizard (a great website for finding just-right books for your child)
Cafeteria Menus (The Department of Education's cafeteria menus)

Your Role As A Parent
Parents, as your child grows your role continues to be critical in your child’s learning. We look forward to getting to know all of you as we work together to make this year a success. At EVCS, we ask one or two family members from each class to take on the role of Class Parent. A Class Parent helps communicate important messages and announcements, helps with projects and field trips, coordinates our snack schedule, and assists in the fundraising for trips and materials. Please let us know if you are interested in being a class parent. Much of our exciting work depends on having extra hands and resources in the classroom. Of course, please don't forget about our Support-A-Classroom Fund as well. It is a great way to help support our project-based learning in first grade.

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